581: (31/365) Brian

“He’s not a messiah, he is just a very naughty boy”. “Crucifixion? Good. Line on the left, one cross each”:

In my opinion, “Life of Brian” by the Monty Python team is close to perfect, such a beautiful play in an otherwise familiar ancient world, full to the brim with some of their cleverest work. If you take nothing else from that move, “always look on the bright side of life”.

This is Neal Elias’ “Crucifixion”, a 2 part model (cross and figure) that was designed really early in “box pleating” history. One could argue that Elias pioneered such techniques and opened the world to the astonishing variety of super complex models that use these techniques today.

Sculptural and abstractly figurative, this model is clever in both form, scale and the ingeniously simple way the 2 parts lock together.

I bought “Works of Neal Elias” from the British Origami Society a few years back, primarily to fold “Llopo’s Moment of Truth“, but there is much more design genius I have yet to explore here.

One thought on “581: (31/365) Brian

  1. such an elegant, exquisite fold.

    (worth repeating the sentiment)

    congratulations, Peter!

    .. well, january is sorted!!

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