Pseudocode/Algorithms PDub's Pasta Experience: SUB Smooth IF dough is lumpy THEN RETURN false ELSE RETURN true ENDIF ENDSUB SUB Elastic IF dough stretches without tearing THEN RETURN true ELSE RETURN false ENDIF ENDSUB MAIN INPUT Numpeople get mixing bowl FOR person = 1 to Numpeople add 1/2 cup of flour to bowl add 1 egg to bowl ENDFOR REPEAT mix with a butter knife UNTIL dough forms into a ball flour worksurface turn doughball onto bench REPEAT knead dough UNTIL Smooth AND Elastic wrap dough in plastic wrap refrigerate for 1/2 hr place large saucepan full of salted water on stove to boil divide dough into manageable chunks FOR each chunk roll chunk out thin cut into shapes required flour fluff move to side ENDFOR REPEAT wait UNTIL water is boiling carefully add all cut rolledout dough to water stir gently REPEAT gently boil UNTIL time elapsed = 5 minutes drain in colander return to saucepan sauce FOR serve = 1 to Numpeople serve into a new serving bowl ENDFOR eat drink be merry ENDMAIN