====================================================== The CLIXPERT knowledge base editor and interpreter for Windows ====================================================== CONTENTS: 1. General information 2. System requirements 3. System limitations 4. Installation 4.1 Windows 3.1x 4.2 Networks 4.3 Windows 95 4.4 Monitors 5. Starting up 6. Creating a knowledge base 6.1 Entering goals 6.2 Editing goals 6.3 Attribute Values and Variable Identifiers 6.4 Classifying goals 6.5 The Formula Builder 6.6 Adding a graphic 6.7 Saving 6.8 Debugging 6.9 Searching for a goal 7. Running (consulting) a knowledge base 8. Printing 9. Help 10. Keyboard shortcuts _______________________________________________________________ 1. General information Clixpert version 3.1 was completed in December 1996 by Graeme Summers of Coolum State High School, Queensland. There is no copyright on the program, it may be distributed free of charge. The installation disk should be copied in its entirety (see Installation for a list of all files required). I would be happy to receive feedback as to how useful you have found this program. I will act upon your feedback to produce a better quality product. Clixpert is being constantly improved as my students feed suggestions to me. You may like to arrange an update. I can be contacted: snail mail: Graeme Summers Coolum SHS Havana Road Coolum 4573 Queensland phone: 07 5448 1555 fax: 07 5448 2402 email: coolumshs@peg.apc.org Microsoft Visual Basic was the programming system used. Clixpert provides the facility to make graphical implementations of dichotomous keys. You are able to create and run 'programs' without writing any code. However it is absolutely necessary for you to carefully plan a decision tree before attempting an implementation. Because no code is written, users can concentrate on the design aspects of the knowledge base. The program is not aimed at any particular group of users. Primary school through to upper secondary students would find an appropriate level of application. _______________________________________________________________ 2. System requirements The minimum requirements are an IBM compatible, 386 or above, with 4 Mb RAM running Windows 3.1. A printer is required if hard copies of consultations are needed. The installed files will use a total of approximately 600 Kb of disk space. _______________________________________________________________ 3. System limitations Clixpert is limited to small knowledge bases which can be modelled with a dichotomous tree. The only limitation on the total number of goals which can be reached is the amount of available memory and disk space. So systems containing hundreds of goals are possible. However, the lists at each decision junction are limited to a total membership of 50. There is a limit of 8 numeric variables for each attribute value. _______________________________________________________________ 4. Installation 4.1 Windows 3.1x Insert the setup disk in drive A. In the program manager, choose Run... from the file menu. Type a:\setup and press Enter. Your installation disk should contain the following files: SETUP.EXE, SETUPCLX.EXE, SETUP.LST, VER.DL_, VBRUN300.DLL, CLIXPERT.EXE, README.TXT, CMDIALOG.VBX, COMMDLG.DLL, SETUPKIT.DLL. 4.2 Networks Create a directory for Clixpert eg F:\WINAPPS\CLIXPERT. Copy CLIXPERT.EXE and README.TXT to that directory. Copy VBRUN300.DLL, CMDIALOG.VBX and COMMDLG.DLL to the Windows directory eg F:\WINDOWS. Create a group for Clixpert on the program manager then add Clixpert and Readme to this group in the usual way. Ensure that users have Read and File Scan rights to the directory holding CLIXPERT.EXE and README.TXT. Create, Read, Write, and File Scan rights will be required for the directory which is to hold the ckb files and accompanying graphics (a home directory?). 4.3 Windows 95 Clixpert runs smoothly in Windows 95. However you should install manually. Create a folder Clixpert. Copy CLIXPERT.EXE, README.TXT and CMDIALOG.VBX to this folder from the distribution disk. Perhaps you could then make a shortcut to Clixpert. 4.4 Monitors The video display should be set to Small Fonts if you are using a high resolution monitor. _______________________________________________________________ 5. Starting up The startup command is CLIXPERT (an EXE file). If you decide you don't want the opening splash screen to be displayed on startup, give a command line argument of a colon (:) CLIXPERT : _______________________________________________________________ 6. Creating a knowledge base It is wise to familiarise yourself with Clixpert with some small knowledge bases of up to 10 goals before attempting larger projects. After the opening splash screen you will be placed in design mode at Level 0 (the root of the decision tree). At that point a new knowledge base can be constructed or an existing knowledge base loaded. Any existing knowledge bases are files with the extension ckb (Clixpert knowledge base). A ckb file can be loaded by selecting Open on the File menu. Note that knowledge bases produced with earlier versions of Clixpert are compatible with version 3.1. 6.1 Entering goals If you are entering a new knowledge base you are again reminded of the necessity to carefully plan (perhaps with an attribute table and a decision tree) before implementing. If you are to have a knowledge base with a total of up to 50 goals you should enter the names of all these goals through the goal entry text box. As soon as you start to type a goal the More... button is enabled. Clicking this button will present a dialog box which allows the the entering of additional information about the goal. You can enter text information and/or a graphic to associate with the goal. This information becomes available at the completion of a consultation after the goal has been identified. Each goal can be added to the root list box by pressing Enter, clicking the button with the tick, or choosing Add from the Edit menu. Goals can only be entered into the knowledge base at this root level. The building of the branches below involves the successive filtering of lists. The entry text box and the lists below will only display the first 20 characters of a goal, so ideally they should be kept within this limit. However at the completion of a consultation, when a conclusion is reached the entire goal entered will be displayed. This is also the case in logs of consultations and the printouts of these logs. Please note that 50 is not the limit for the total number of goals in a tree. It is the maximum number of goals in any one list while you are developing the tree. If the root level list (Level 0) reaches 50 you will then have to move these goals down the tree before you can enter any more. A perfectly symmetric tree with 10 levels (0 to 9) would be able to contain 1024 goals! 6.2 Editing goals Just as Adding new goals can only occur at the root level, Deleting or Changing the names of goals can only be done at this level. This is a safeguard to ensure all goals pass through the filters below, arriving at their position on the tree through careful consideration of each question. Deleting or Changing can be done by first clicking on goals in the root list then selecting Delete or Change from the Edit menu. Only one goal at a time can be changed but multiple goals can be deleted in one operation. Goals can be selected or deselected by a single click. Deleting a goal also deletes the additional information which is attached to it. When a goal is being changed you also have the opportunity to edit the additional information with the More... button. 6.3 Attribute Values and Variable Identifiers Below the entry list is a text box where the first question on a particular attribute is entered. The question should be simple and to the point but there is virtually no limit on the length of a question. The default values of Yes and No are provided in the two text boxes below. Alternative values can be entered. Attribute values should be kept as brief as possible. There is a limit of approximately 75 characters per value. That which is beyond the limit will disappear from view during a consultation but will appear later in the log. Up to 8 numeric variables can be entered along with an attribute value. Use semicolons as delimiters. Use descriptive identifiers like length, radius, interest etc. These variables can be used in formulas associated with goals placed on a branch below (see 6.5 The Formula Builder). 6.4 Classifying Goals Select all the goals in the root list which apply to one of the attribute values (the defaults being Yes and No). Then click the Down button above the value you have chosen. The two Down buttons have open arrows pointing South West and South East towards the next two list boxes. All the goals in the root list will then be passed through this first filter and added to the two lists below. Subsequent classification can be achieved by moving down a level (click the Down Page button beside the list you want to work on next). The Down and Up Page buttons point North or South and have a solid arrow caption. When you move down a level the list you have decided to work on becomes the root list at this next level. This process is continued until there is only one goal at the end of each branch. The knowledge base is not complete, and hence cannot be consulted until this stage is reached. The List all button, beside each of the Attribute value text boxes, produces a display of all goals which have been classified to that side of the tree - at that level and all levels below. 6.5 The Formula Builder When a goal has been completely classified you can then build a formula based on the variables entered at levels above. Select the goal then click the button with the ellipsis caption beside it (...). A list box will display all variable names which have been entered above this goal. Click the numbers, operators and brackets. Double click on a variable to entered it into the formula. When you click OK there is a validity check on the formula before it is accepted. Invalid characters or numbers, incorrect use of brackets or operators will be detected. Note that the variables appear between their own special delimiters when entered into the formula. There are 4 number formats for the evaluated formula: Integer - rounded to the nearest integer Standard - number displayed with a thousands separator and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point Currency - dollar sign, number displayed with a thousands separator, negative numbers enclosed in parentheses, two digits to the right of the decimal point Percentage - number multiplied by 100 with a % sign, two digits to the right of the decimal point The result of an applied formula is displayed at the end of a consultation log (see 7 Running a knowledge base). 6.6 Adding a graphic The facility to add a graphic enhances the clarity of the attribute questions. Graphics are restricted to bmp, ico and wmf formats. They might be graphics you have created yourself, from commercial collections or scanned images. It is important that they have been prepared during your planning stage and preferably located in the directory they will be when you are 'running' (consulting) your knowledge base. To add a graphic click the Graphic... button. The dialog box presented allows you to select and preview. If your graphic is larger than the picture box provided scroll bars will appear. Note that the OK button confirms your selection, the Cancel graphic button indicates you have decided you don't want a graphic at this stage. The graphics you select appear during a consultation. You may have to have the graphics located somewhere else when you are running. For example, you may have obtained your ckb from a friend who has a different directory structure on his/her computer. If this is the case the path of all of your graphics (those attached to attribute questions as well as those contained in additional information about a goal) can be overridden by selecting Reset graphic path on the file menu. If you need to do this you will have to reset the path each time you open a new ckb. The Cancel path button, in this dialog box, reverses the resetting of the path so that graphics will be loaded from their previously saved path. In the Reset graphic path dialog there is a check box with the caption Path to save. Checking this box indicates that, when saving, this path is to be saved along with the other details of the knowledge base. 6.7 Saving Selecting Save As on the File menu presents a dialog box where you can choose the path and filename of your knowledge base. All ckb files are saved in binary form with the same extension. A quick save can be selected from the tool bar or from the File menu. Saving can only take place in design mode, or when exiting in either design or run. All details of each knowledge base are saved in the one file. If you checked the Path to save check box (Reset graphic path dialog box) the new path will be saved at the same time. You will be prompted to Save if you attempt a New, Open or Exit when any change has been made since the last save. 6.8 Debugging Selecting the Debug option on the Edit menu causes a traverse of the tree checking all details. If it is not possible to run because of an error, the problem will be reported. Only one error is reported at a time, so several traverses may be necessary until it is reported, with a message box, that your tree is free of errors. If your tree is free of errors you will also be informed of its efficiency. Debug is automatically activated each time you attempt to do a run. If no errors are found the Run will proceed without a message box. Debug does not, however, report on the validity of a graphic path. If a graphic is not located where it is expected to be during a consultation, an error message appears. This does not, however, cause the consultation to terminate. 6.9 Searching for a goal As your tree becomes more populated you may have some difficulty in locating a particular goal. Find on the Edit menu will facilitate this. This option is only enabled if you have gone beyond Level 0 in the development of your tree. Once the goal is found you will be placed in the tree where your goal is visible. Find can also be used to simply peruse the entire list of goals entered into your tree. ______________________________________________________________ 7. Running (consulting) a knowledge base Run can be chosen as Start from the Run menu or by clicking the run button on the toolbar or by pressing the F5 key. Each run is a consultation with a knowledge base leading to a conclusion which identifies a particular goal. The questions about the attributes are presented one at a time (along with a graphic if one has been chosen). If a question is particularly long a scroll bar will automatically appear giving you access to the part which is temporarily out of view. Similarly scroll bar(s) appear if a chosen graphic is too large to fit in the allocated space. You simply click on the attribute value of your choice to continue with the consultation. If there is a numeric variable to receive a value a keypad will be displayed for you to enter the value. This can be done with a mouse or from the keyboard. The Run can be terminated at any point either by choosing End from the Run menu or by clicking the End button on the toolbar. At any stage during the consultation the Possible goals button may be clicked to view the list of possible goals which have been determined so far. When a consultation reaches a conclusion, reported by a message box, a log of that consultation is displayed. You may choose to obtain a printout of that log which can only be obtained in run mode. The Print dialog box includes a Print to file check box. If this box is checked and the OK button clicked another dialog box is displayed. A log of the consultation can then be saved in a text file. When the consultation log is displayed, and if you have a graphic for that particular goal, the View menu becomes enabled. You can then switch between the consulation log and the graphic. If you have built a formula for the goal this is evaluated and the result displayed at the end of the log. Should an error be encountered (eg alteration in variables, division by zero) then this will be reported in a message box and the formula result will not be displayed in the log. Selected portions of the consultation can be copied to the Windows clipboard by dragging over the required portion and clicking Copy in the Edit menu. _______________________________________________________________ 8. Printing A hard copy (or a text file) of a consultation can be requested by choosing Print on the File menu. This can only be chosen in run mode at the conclusion of a consultation (see 7). Upon returning to design mode a record of the last consultation is lost. The Print dialog box gives the option of Print to File. If this is chosen the consultation can be printed to a text file. _______________________________________________________________ 9. Help The text file you are now reading (readme.txt) is displayed in a text box, with a vertical scroll bar, when the Help button is clicked, or when the Search for help on... option is clicked on the Help menu. A search option facilitates finding a particular topic. Information about this program is also available on the Help menu by clicking About Clixpert. Descriptions of the functions of all enabled buttons and boxes appear in a bar, at the bottom of the design and run screens, when the mouse pointer passes over them. A short description of each of the buttons on the toolbar appears below the button as the mouse pointer passes over the lower part of a button. Feel free to make additions or alterations to this help text file to suit your own requirements. _______________________________________________________________ 10. Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + N Start a New knowledge base Ctrl + O Open an existing knowledge base Ctrl + S Quick Save the current knowledge base Ctrl + A Save As the current knowledge base Ctrl + R Reset the graphic path Ctrl + P Print the last consultation Ctrl + C Copy the selected portion of a text box Del Delete the selected goal Ctrl + F Find a goal F5 Start to consult the current knowledge base _______________________________________________________________