Triggered Generators
Do this ... now

Triggered Generators are simply time-based machines (do this, now events) like drum beats where the drum is not pitched at a particular note.

Most Buzz drum/percussion kits are triggered events, but there are some complex synthesiser machines that use triggers to begin playing the sound they have been configured to generate. Triggered machines can be distorted and pitch-shifted if that is what you want to do as well.

In the above sequence, a PSI Drum has been programmed to play 2 separate patterns, with triggers on beats 0, 4, 6, 8 and 14. Using multiple tracks for a pattern allows you to have multiple sounds from the same generator playing simultaneously. Putting all the triggers in a single track truncates the sound when another was triggered.

Go on to learn about Sample-based Generators....
Buzz © Jeskola
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