
So, do you have any suggestions on what I can make (tied into a special event, holiday or cultural preference)?

Perhaps you have stumbled across a diagram that you think I might like, have a challenge that you think will beat me or just want to say Hi. That is cool too.

Drop on in, suggestions HERE please, otherwise, for comments about models add them to that model.

For those wanting to look ahead, there is a Google doc spreadsheet I am keeping past, present and future models in that you should check before suggesting something I may have already anticipated.

I am a reasonably experienced folder, and do not know what I am NOT capable of doing, certainly already I have surprised even myself with how complicated I can go so …. over to you

71 thoughts on “Suggestions?

  1. kawasaki lizard by kawasaki
    peace sign by jeremy shafer

    one of the best lizard i ever fold so cute and childish

    enjoy if you try this models

  2. I just stumbled on to your blog when looking for a cp or diagram of Chan’s rose. You’re folding stuff that is so far out of my league. Just amazing in some cases. Maybe you could offer some assistance on a model? Lang’s butterfly in Origami Insects and Their Kin has plagued me for months. Steps 30 and 31, just after the pleats, that end up forming the wings end up turning my paper into a decorative ball. I get the idea of it but I’m missing something in the execution. Any hints you could give? Great site!

      1. It does seem straight forward, but in practice it’s getting me for some reason. If you have any awesome bits of knowledge you can pass on when you fold it please let me know. Would love to finally finish this model, but more importantly figure out what’s going on here so I can use it elsewhere.

          1. OK, I see how it works – it is a box pleat after the spread – will blog it and show you the pictures I took while I was doing it – nasty but it sorts itself out, the in-out pleats are harder I think

  3. I figured it out! I was reading Lang’s Design Secret book and something in it made me realize what I was doing wrong. I would still post it though. I’ve seen a lot of people ask that same question and there isn’t a very good explanation of it out there. Working on completing the model now.

    Off topic. What Kraft paper do you use? I use kraft as well to figure out bases, but is so thick I can’t do much more with it. Almost as thick as a brown grocery bag. The models I’ve seen you fold look much thinner then what I have but I can’t find anything else around here.


    1. I buy rolls of it from a local newsagent, lovely thin and crisp 65cm wide, 10m long rolls; last time I looked they were a bit hard to find. I bought some 70cm wide kraft on a roll and it was much thicker indeed. I find Kraft is useful for test folds – I figure if the fold does not look good with plain paper then it is not a good fold, but that is just me. Will blog the butterfly when I finish it – been doing bits of it between other jobs, busy times atm at work

      online source perhaps:

      1. I found this at a Hobby Lobby today; thought you might like to know. 8lbs (~12gsm) and feels and holds a crease like tracing paper, but a tad thicker-feeling than tracing paper. Certainly would need some MC to hold the finished model together. The store had it in rolls of 12″ & 18″ x XXXft. If you haven’t used it before I’ll let you know how it holds up.

      1. Actually I was looking through Vog2 and I found a model by him called the Emperor. It looks pretty cool and isn’t completely boring box pleating.

  4. I have the diagrams for the facehugger but am have trouble folding it. I would pay you for a private video tutorial if you’re interested. E-mail me if interested

  5. Please fold the origmi fox by Hideo Komatsu for a YouTube-video… there isn’t a video of that on YouTube and i can’t fold it… maybe you’ve the book??? here is the name : “Works of Hideo Komatsu” by Hideo Komatsu

    I hope you have this book???

    1. this step is relatively straight forward – all creases collapse simultaneously in a pair of pleats that converge on a corner pleat with a tuck where they meet – difficult to explain but look at the diagrams – and look ahead to the finished pleat and you will get it – this model is terrific, but not a beginners model as it contains some lovely complex techniques

  6. Hey!
    I really loved your work. You fold awesome!
    But I want to suggest you one thing-
    can you provide us with all the details about every model you fold? Means, type of paper, size of paper taken, time you required to complete it, where the diagrams are given etc etc.
    Thank you!

    1. If you look at the tags and read the posts you will find most of that information – I am just exploring, definitive guides are less useful I find. Most times the sources I use are copyrighted to the books I have so I am not at liberty to share

  7. Hi Wonko, just browsed your worked yesterday and i must admit i became fan of yours…Can you fold nine tailed fox from naruto, i saw work of guspat and other crease pattern from the internet, no one has ever done it in the internet or any video tutorials to teach, it would be great and the origami world will be really happy if you can make a tutorial even a picture diagram would be good….I’m crossing my finger and i hope to hear from you soon – Shawn

          1. Hello sorry for the late reply. Did u have an email ? i will send u the cp complety redraw 😉


  8. Hi Peter, as you are asking for models to fold, I’ve folded two recently that were quite satisfying and that you might enjoy. The first is Nazgul by Jason Ku and the second is the Owl by Katsuta Kyohei. Both are in the various Tanteidan publications. The third (an excellent model, particularly with a bit of MC) is Cerberus by Kamiya. Of course I still think a second run at the ancient dragon might be fun. Thanks for the periodic updates on the blog.

    1. Thx, I have actually folded most of those suggestions over the time. I am always on the look out for new challenges, particularly drawn to complex/super-complex models but have also found a new fascination with tessellations

    1. Thanks for the link – I will give is a whirl, I am not really very good at decoding crease patterns, but am happy to have a go

  9. Hey Wonko I just stumble upon your post About Chinese Dragon by mikiller but unfortunately the link for diagrams in the comments is dead. Is there any way to get those diagrams?

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