IPT - A Virtual Approach IPT A Virtual Approach by Peter Whitehouse
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Algorithms and Lazarus

Structural Elements: SELECTION

Decision-making is used all the time - in system terms we call this decision-making selection. Computers can evaluate whether something is true or false very efficiently and this TRUE/FALSE outcome is the basic for boolean logic - we use this to conditionally execute code: If this is so, then do this, else do this other thing.

SDC: a simple selection

Decisions are relatively easy to verbalise - sometimes however taking these tests and writing them as legal selections is complex. The computer is only as smart as the programmed instructions running it and we can get computer systems to do really crazy things depending on the questions we get them to evaluate.

Simple BINARY BRANCHING (ask a question and do one thing otherwise do another) is achieved using an IF THEN ELSE statement. Binary branching is the most common form of decision making your systems will use. When written correctly they can be the most efficient way to get something done.

IF [the drink is too warm]

THEN [add ice and drink]
ELSE [drink]

The first part of the selection is the question - in a binary branch it is typically something that can be answered as yes or no (TRUE/FALSE). After the question (or test) we have alternative actions. It is obvious that the "add ice and drink" alternative is performed if the answer to the test is TRUE. Similarly the "drink" alternative is the one performed if the test fails (that is the drink is NOT too warm).

In the example above, what is less obvious is the TRUE option is actually a sequence of 2 simpler steps (add ice and then drink) - it is equally obvious that the order of the steps in the sequence is important as there is not much point adding the ice after having drunk the drink.

What may not be obvious here is that regardless of whether the drink is too warm or just right, it is drunk .. logic would suggest that it is not conditionally executed at all, but is done after deciding whether ice is needed:

IF [the drink is too warm]

THEN [add ice];


Selections can easily be included in other selections (called nesting) and the decision logic can get quite complex:

a nested selection

In the above example, we can see a simple selection (question 1) and a sequence of 2 tasks leading from a TRUE response. From the FALSE response of question 1 we have a sequence of 3 tasks (one being to ask another question). The instruction order of this algorithm is not as clear in this form (a structured design chart).

A flowchart simplifies the SAME algorithm:

the same nested selection

In both diagrams, it is obvious that NOT ALL of the code is executed - the answers to the questions determine which instructions are run.

In this section of the course, you are encouraged to adopt SOME form of graphic organiser (SDC or FLOWCHART) for describing parts of your code. Although this might seem counter-productive, it will aid you in eliminating LOGICAL ERRORS which are otherwise the most difficult to identify and rectify in poorly structured programs. Unfortunately there is no (IWHO) symbolic representation that is great for prepresenting visual systems yet so we make do with bits-and pieces of other methods.

Experience has shown that the WORST thing a student can do when presented with a problem is to go and write code before planning. Planning is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT in visual systems as the multitude of named objects and built-ins can complicate an otherwise simple-looking task and cause it to fail.

Multiple selections in Lazarus are catered for by either nested IF..THEN..ELSE statements or CASE statements.

Consider the following algorithms for dealing with the navigation in a simplified game:

nested binary selections
multiple selection
multiple selection

Both algorithms work, one is more efficient than the other - consider best and WORSE-case scenarios.

  • In the nested example the smallest number of questions asked is ONE (if an 'N' is pressed). The largest number of questions asked is FOUR (if none of 'N','S','W' or 'E' are pressed)
  • In the multiple selection case, the SMALLEST and LARGEST number of questions asked is ONE - using a highly efficient method, the program 'jumps' to the appropriate instruction based on the value of the pressed key

goto relevant exercises Simple Visual Projects involving Sequence and Selection


   syntax: =df   if boolean_exp
                    then statement
                    [else statement]

        var  x : byte;
            x:= 7;
            if x > 3
               then showmessage('it is bigger')
               else showmessage('it is not bigger')

        var   y : integer;
              y:= random(2);
              if odd(y)
                then showmessage('tails')
                else showmessage('heads')

        var   reply : boolean;
              reply := abs(-42) = 42;
              if reply
                       showmessage('There''s a bear in there');
                       showmessage('and a chair as well ")
                       showmessage('there are people with games');
                       showmessage('and stories to tell')

It is possible to 'nest' if..then statements in others:

   if p
      then do something
      else if q
               then do something else
               else do something else still

a side effect to watch out for is a dangling else

   if p
      then if q
               then do something
      else do something else

is WRONG - the else connects to the most recently issued if

possible solutions:

   if p
            if q
               then do something
      else do something else


   if p
      then if q
               then do something
      else do something else


Problem specification: Write a program that randomly generates a number in the range 1 - 6, thus simulating the throwing of a die and outputs the result 'graphically' (ie. 1 = [.], 3 = [.:], 6 = [:::] etc.)


   randomize   : randomly seeds the random number generator
                 (otherwise you get the same sequence each time the
                 program is run (usually done in the FORMCREATE)

   random(n)   : (where n is an integer), produces an INTEGER in the
                 range 0 .. n-1.  So random(3) will produce either a 0, 1
                 or 2

   random(n)+x  'scales up' a random number to fall in the range x..n-1

 procedure TForm1.tossclick( Sender: TObject);

	{simulates the throwing of a single die, outputting result}
 var   throw    : integer;
	   throw := random(6)+1;
	   if throw = 1
	      then showmessage('[.  ]')
	      else if throw = 2
	            then showmessage('[:  ]')
	            else if throw = 3
	                 then showmessage('[.: ]')
	                 else if throw = 4
	                       then showmessage('[:: ]')
	                       else if throw = 5
	                             then showmessage('[.::]')
	                             else showmessage('[:::]')
goto Exercises Binary Branching with IF..THEN


In situations where there are a definite number of alternatives, all of which are known, we use a CASE STATEMENT.

syntax:  case identifier of
              value1  : statement;
              value2  : statement
              [else statement]
           end {case}
  procedure TForm1.tossclick( Sender: TObject);
  {simulates the throwing of a single die, outputting result}
  var   throw    : integer;
     throw := random(6)+1;
     case throw of
         1:   showmessage('[.  ]');
         2:   showmessage('[:  ]');
         3:   showmessage('[.: ]');
         4:   showmessage('[:: ]');
         5:   showmessage('[.::]');
         else showmessage('[:::]')
     end {case};

Also legal, lists and sub-ranges of values are valid within a case statement:

    case throw of
      1..3 :  showmessage('3 or less');
      4,6  :  showmessage('either 4 or 6')
      else    showmessage('must be 5')
    end; {case throw}
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