365 Days of Origami

So I decided to move this project to a blog, because it lets me index and be a little cleverer, sorry for any poor sod trying to actually follow this project as it has jumped around a bit.

My aim – 365 models, one per day for a year. Ambitious and scary actually – no idea if I can do it, willing to give it a try.

referenceFor your reference, the models, when photographed, are standing on a block of note paper some 17cm long. I will try to remember to include in the tag what shape paper is used to make it and what base it is derived from (if any) and if I remember the Designer of the model.

Rules (attempted guidelines at least):

  • * if I am unable (due to awayness) to post, I will, as separate posts, the next available day, catch up. Circumstances and busyness vary, sorry.
  • * models made from sheets of paper, white
  • * after the initial shaping of the unfolded page (square, rectangle, transverse polyhedra, whatever) no cuts, no glue
  • * model must be (hopefully) recognizably something
  • * ONE box/container model per month
  • * ONE compound model a month (ie. a model that uses more than one sheet of paper, combined into a single figure) unless a celebration day has a model that looks good but requires more sheets

…wish me luck

4 thoughts on “365 Days of Origami

  1. G’luck. I just scrolled back through 260 models so far; you’ve got to be running out of models that aren’t tessellations and Korean RPG characters? Looking forward to your selections (and thanks for the folding notes on the one made out of 1000 needles…well, the 6 pentagonal prism one.) Nice tour!

    1. nope, hundreds more that I can do, some simple, many terrifyingly complicated – interesting journey so far (if time consuming and challenging at times)

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