627: (77/365) Collapsible Cube

Toys for people with ADHD are all the rage – people pay for things with switches, moving clicky bits and spinney things because, reasons:

This paper toy continues to be an enigma. Made of 4 modules, it is a twisty cube that also folds flat in a myriad of ways that break your brain. Continue reading

613: (63/365) David Mitchell’s “Gemini”

We are heading into assignment season in many of my classes – this means my students are busy getting on with it, occasionally asking for help, but I am stuck there inert and when I get bored I get naughty:

…so I fold stuff to keep me awake. Modulars have an advantage that, once you have mastered the module, it is largely “rinse and repeat” until the final assembly. Continue reading

459: Electra

Browsing an amazing book by David Mitchell called “Paper Crystals”, I spotted an interesting modular ball based on pentagons tiled with triangles named Electra.

Coupled with the original model was a suggestion that it was possible to make a 60 module version consisting of pentagons surrounded by squares separated by triangles. Continue reading