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MySQL Data Definition Commands

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Allowing table and database definition......

You must create a database container FIRST, before defining the tables that belong to it, using a command such as:


then you must connect to the database before using it: (this is usually done for you on our network, else you need permissions that would compromise existing databases, sorry)


If, on the other hand you wish to create another grouping of existing tables into a new database, you can use the following command structure:

     CREATE DATABASE dbName ( [tableName {, tableName}] )

To create TABLE containers, use the following command structure:

     CREATE TABLE tableNname
          ( colName dataType [(colWidth)] [NOT NULL/UNIQUE]
            {, colName dataType [(colWidth)] [NOT NULL/UNIQUE]}
            [PRIMARY KEY (colName {,colName})] )

or more completely:

    CREATE TABLE tableName
          ( columnDefn {, columnDefn}
           [,CHECK (localSearchCond) {,CHECK (localSearchCond)}
           [,PRIMARY KEY (columnList)]
           [,UNIQUE (columnList)]
           [,FOREIGN KEY (columnList) REFERENCES tableName {,tableName}])

where columnDefn has the form:

          colName dataType [(colWidth)] [NOT NULL] [DEFAULT literal]
              [CHECK (localSearchCond)] [UNIQUE (columnList)
              [PRIMARY KEY] [REFERENCES tableName]

Note that the order of options in the column definition must be adhered to, but that CHECKs may appear in the column definition or in the table definition.

A list of CHECKs may be seen using LIST CHECKS FOR tab-name. Checks are stored in a separate file in the active database path.


makes changes to a database permanent (actually, it provides a level of 'undo' for database transactions that involve structural changes)


un-does changes last made to database since the last commit. This is the one-level un-do available in mySQL.

     CREATE TABLE tableName LIKE tableName [Nointegrity]

copies the nominated table definition to a new name - all checks and constraints are also copied

deletes named file(s)

     DROP TABLE tableName


     DROP SYNONYM synonymName

     DROP VIEW viewName

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