We are all noobs sometime
This blog is a work in progress. What the Floop?
Wow, there is a revelation – show me a blog that is not.
It attempts to document my explorations in Virtual Worlds, and focusses on issues I encounter when faced with design, development and evaluation of said virtual worlds.
Rather than concentrate on just one platform, I have decided to use this as a repository for gleaned knowledge from the plethora of realities wonko inhabits, and hopefully will tie those back to the real world, wherever and whatever that is.
Sit back, strap yourself in and enjoy the ride – I intend to.
What interests me most is the mode in which we gain skill, ability and knowledge in a particular discipline. I am not an expert in virtual worlds, but I have used a few of them, so the journey towards a deeper understanding should be an interesting one. Certainly the team assembled is rich, varied and able.
Follow me on Twitter: wonko42 or contact me via email using wonko [at] wonko [dot] info