370: Permanent Reminders

Now I must confess that 365 has changed me, made me more creative and allowing me to see the beauty in the everyday.

I decided to look for something that would be a more permanent reminder of the amazing year that was 2011.

Now I am not really into tattoos, but I designed this simple crane image, lineart really and it occurred to me that a simple outline of a crane meant a lot to me – it was the first Origami model I ever learned, it symbolises peace and tranquility to me, and is the symbol that I folded 1000 of during the year as well.

So I trotted off to Stones Corner, the lovely Tilly from Sacred Skin looked after me – yes I was afraid, sort of, because I had no idea if it would be painful – in the end it was fine but more importantly it felt right and I am very happy with the result.  I cannot imagine changing my mind on that score.

Now I am NOT suggesting you get a tattoo, nor that they are cool. This one makes sense to me and I have no plans for any more.

4 thoughts on “370: Permanent Reminders

    1. It comes down to what you are happy to live with – the foot/crane made complete sense to me and I am happy with the hand-drawn artwork also – means something to me as the first model I ever learned how to make

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