744: (194/365) Wizard’s Hat

Anyone who has seen any of the “Lord of the Rings/Hobbit” movies will recognise the profile of this hat:

Gandalf the Grey wore a wondrous felt hat like this, Mike Luo’s “Witches Hat”. Continue reading

743: (193/365) Sleepy Cat

Origami cats are hard – their soft elastic ways are difficult to depict artistically with a medium as stiff and uniform as paper:

This is Christophe Boudias’ “Sleepy Cat”, a lovely model that I think manages to capture the posture of a cat that is cuddling up ready to sleep, tucking it’s little pawsies under its chin. Continue reading

736: (186/365) Stoopid Monkey!

Australian politicians are a weird lot. Not “American” (shoot first then barbeque something) weird, just an odd lurch from crisis to crisis and stab your mate in the back for a shot at leadership kind of weird:

A recently deposed Prime Minister (Mr Tony Abott) is being a bit of an arse clown in the media, white-anting his own party and providing gifts for our hapless opposition in terms of instability and leaks. Continue reading

735: (185/365) Flipper!

What’s that Flipper? Timmy has fallen out of his boat and is surrounded by sharks? You get the coastguard and I will get the anti-shark spray:

An irrational tale of a Dolphin and his stupid pet human. I do not know about you but I grew up on cheesy American telly – Flipper, Brady Bunch, I Dream of Jeanie, The Munsters… all those shows now on high rotation on the dozens of cable channels that you flip through looking for something that is actually watchable. Continue reading

731: (181/365) As Quiet as a ….

Today’s fold suffers a little from scale, but is none the less a cute little mouse:

I must re-fold this model, there is huge potential for modelling, posing and character with this design, a clever little layer manipulation exercise. Continue reading