919: Floral Perpetua by Dasa Severova

I am always on the lookout for interesting folds, this one was shared on a fakebook group as a photsequence on Flickr:

A fun folding technique, and a fascinating fractal pattern gradually converges towards the centre of the original octagon. Continue reading

915: (365/365) Chris K Palmer’s “Flower Tower”

I have a long and terrifying “fold me” list of models I will one day get around to – this was on it:

An excruciating fractal tessellation that eats paper like few other folds, based on spiral collapses of a dodecagon that then gets turned inside out to make the next level to collapse.

The unfold and re-collapse stages (I did 3, but theoretically could keep going getting smaller and smaller) looks like it is going to hell in a handbasket, then it sort of just sorts itself out in a magic sort of way. Continue reading

886: (336/365) Second-Level Octospiral

Paper fractals are fascinating self-repeating/reducing designs that are relatively new in the origami world:

This 2nd-level “Octospiral” is a model I saw in one of my last BOS journals before my membership lapsed. Designed and modified by Roman Diaz, Endre Somos and Meenakshi Mukerji, it is a delightfully dense spiral that, theoretically, could keep reducing inside itself indefinitely. Continue reading

805: (255/365) Further Fractal Folding

Time is scarce but this was folded while kids were doing a really hard test, figured I should try something hard also:

This is a level 6 fractal fold of the previously folded Shuzo Fujimoto Hydrangea, and a beauty to behold. Continue reading

795: (245/365) Tessellated Fractal

Further exploring Shuzo Fujimoto’s “Hydrangea” fractal, it seems they can also be tessellated:

This is a 4x fold, but I have seen many many more, closer together also, interweaving and other mind-boggling combinations.

This fold has taken an age – started 4 days ago, finished yesterday (I had already decided on the spring shoot for yesterday’s fold) it is a lovely frame. Continue reading

792: (242/365) Fractal Folding

Speaking of fractals, as I was (well, kinda sorta) I realised I had never tried the Fujimoto Hydrangea fold before:

This is an interesting thing, with each iteration folded inside the previous – in theory you can keep folding this infinitely. In reality the tryanny of paper thickness and fat clumsy fingers stops you. Continue reading