632: (82/365) Spiral Snail

Inspired by the work of Tomoko Fuse, I began experimenting with a square and using most of it to do a spiral. Initially I tried even divisions but found a more logarithmic progression from wide to narrow worked best:

Using alternating mountains and valleys, a lovely spiral emerged and there was enough paper to fashion a head, antennae and foot. Continue reading

626: (76/365) Little Snail

Spirals have most recently been explored by Tomoko Fuse, but lovely spiral shail shells have existed in traditional origami for a long while before that:

This is Eduardo Clemente’s snail, well, one of them. As a bi-colour model it cleverly manages the 2 colours ensuring the soft slippy bit of the snail is one colour and the rounded spiral of the shell is the reverse. Continue reading