740: (190/365) Rubic’s Cube

Long before there were “fidget spinners”, Pokemon and “Pogs” there was a craze that swept me away when it first hit the market. A Hungarian designer called Erno Rubic devised a cube, subdivided up into 3x3x3 cubies that all slid on each other in layers:

I instantly had to have one (well, in truth I had 9, including a triangular, circular and 4x4x4 one that I still have). Continue reading

739: (189/365) “Shoulda’ bought a Squirrel”

Cautionary advice indeed for anyone who has seen the movie comedy “Rat Race”:
We saw our first live squirrels when we first travelled to the UK, in a lovely park in Holland Park (interestingly the same suburb name we live in now here in Australia).

Lovely little grey filly, impossibly fluffy tail, cutely flitting around in the underbrush. Continue reading

737: (187/365) Penguin

Reading through Origami Bygota, I stumbled across Ma Yong’s charming penguin:

Clever use of colour change goes part way to defining a penguin, but proportions and general morphology also helps. Continue reading