723: (173/365) Feathered Tsuru

Few would argue that the Tsuru (crane) is the quintessential origami figure. Everybody starts there, the form is so familiar and the skills necessary to fold it form the backbone of so many models: While I have tried many variations of this model, few compare to Riccardo Foschi’s “feathered Tsuru”, a glorious and complex variation […]

722: (172/365) Baby Dragon

Reporting is a beast of a thing, particularly semester reporting where we seem to joust with nit-picking grammar on parts of a report that parents do not read. Slaying the beast is particularly satisfying: This is Riccardo Foschi’s Baby Lizard Dragon … thing. I found the CP and a photo of the finished model and […]

612: (62/365) Minecraft Golden Snitch

Potter Nerds and Minecraft Nerds unite, for I present to you a “Minecraft” style cubey golden snitch: This buzzy little bugger would be difficult to catch in a full on game of Quidditch indeed. This is Riccardo Foschi’s “CuBird”, an interesting little CP that collapses with a little wrangling to make a lovely little cube and […]