692: (142/365) Wu’s Modular Chess Board

Looking around for a chess board in origami was fun, there seem to be a few out there, including a few that use only 1 sheet of paper and a million creases to perform the necessary colour changes for the squares:

I discovered I could not source paper large enough to make a playable chess board, so looked for alternatives and stumbled across Joseph Wu’s modular chessboard. Continue reading

637: (87/365) Cyclonic Spiral

Currently, North Queensland is being beaten up by Cyclone “Debbie”:

Australian cyclones are huge. As weather systems go, we do them big down under and “Debbie” was once a category 4 (which is nearly Category 5, for the folks at home) which on a scale of “is that a cloud” to “fuck, most of my town is missing” is right up there. I hope all in the storm zone are safe, having lived through some pretty harrowing cyclones in my time it is not fun. Continue reading