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Author Archives: wonko

Bonjour Provence.

After playing an expert game of luggage Tetris, we checked out of our apartment in Barcelona and caught an Uber to Barcelona Sants Estació. We stowed our luggage and then caught metro L3 to Liceu. The aim was to buy lunch and buy something for the train journey for dinner. We walked to Mercado de … Continue reading »

Categories: Driving, Food, France, Markets, Provence, travel, Walking | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

“Them Thar Hills” – Day trip to Monserrat and Adiós Espanya!

When we travel, we establish a home base (usually in an apartment with a kitchen), then we explore from there. From Barcelona, so much of the surrounding countryside is available to explore via train and public transport (we did not want to drive in Spain), and Jo planned a day trip to Monserrat. Another early … Continue reading »

Categories: Barcelona, Food, Highlights, Markets, Museum, Spain, travel, Walking | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

A Little Bit “Gaudi”

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After a reasonably early wake-up, toast and tea for breakfast we headed out to see some work by Antoni Gaudi, the legendary architect who called Barcelona home. I tried not to research the trip to his basilica, because I did not want to go with any pre-formed ideas. When I was growing up, the term … Continue reading »

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