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Exploring the Cairngorms

Day tripping in Scotland is such a rich experience, and although at times the driving on single lane (with passing places) can be really hairy, there is so much worth exploring. The countryside is ancient, with evidence of habitation going back to Neolithic times, we visited Culloden battlefields, learned of historic battles between Scottish nationals … Continue reading »

Categories: Scotland, travel | 2 Comments

The Skye is the Limit

Based as we are at Kyle of Lochalsh, the bridge to the Isle of Skye is basically walking distance from us. This morning we packaged morning tea, a couple of bottles of water and set off for the island with the view to do a little bit of exploring. As we were on the road … Continue reading »

Categories: Scotland | Leave a comment

Lochs, Castles, Locks and a Rather Famous Viaduct

Up early on our final day on the Isle of Mull, lovely cooked breakfast and then car packed, we were off to catch a vehicular ferry at Tobermory. The local bakery made up some fantastic fresh rolls for us for lunch, then it was on to the water for a quick and spectacular journey to … Continue reading »

Categories: Scotland, travel | 1 Comment