Those who know me realise I am just back from nearly 7 weeks in Europe. When asked how my jetlag is going, it is difficult to put the answer into words:

Spending so long in a different time zone, and getting good at waking early, being on the go to many and varied locations, then being subjected to 29ish hours transit to return to the other side of the planet is always a struggle, but this time it seems to have been worse. Bouts of fatigue followed by being wide awake at 3:30am are exhausting, as is my numb and seemingly empty brain.

This is my test fold of a new Boice Wong design. Boice is a crazy talented origami designer who released 2 versions of this model while I was overseas. He graciously released the CPs (crease patterns) and … they did not look too hard … but have taken nearly a week to decipher with my head in it’s current state.
Entitled “Empty Head 32×32 grid”, this is the first of 2 models in this series I intend to try, and feel a little guilty using up a blog number on the test fold, but I am so happy with how this little guy turned out I thought why not. When I have both figures, I will post again using a new blog number.

For those now confused, posts on this blog ONLY get a number if they are NEW folds I have not previously tried before – that is my scheme, I have been using it since the beginning of this blog and I see no sense changing the nomenclature now. It is amazing to think that since 2011, I have tried over a thousand folds that are new to me – barely scratching the surface of things still out there for me to try.

This little guy is so neat – you will see, apart from his empty box head, he is in an overcoat, has a shirt and tie, trousers and shoes. When I re-fold him, I will use bi-colour paper to highlight the details but my first fold of this little chap is very pleasing. Just a few glue spots (shhhhh!) to keep seams closed (as there is a LOT of paper in the body/chest area that wants to unfold). I did something different with the neck because I wanted it to look like there was there was an empty cardboard box where the head should be,, but yeah – I think I successfully solved another crease pattern. This pleases me immensely.
Could you make a collapsing tutorial for this guy?i’m really fond of it!!
Not my design to do that, sorry – perhaps approach Boice Wong and ask him?