501: Eagle 3.5

I am on constant awe of folders from the Vietnamese Origami Group (VOG):501eagle1

Hoang Trung Thanh’s Eagle 3.5 is an astonishing and dense fold that really tests patience, accuracy and paper but the result, even this partially incomplete rendition is lovely.501eagleScale

Pleat management that results in the wings is amazing, I have long admired models like this but decided they were too exacting for me to achieve.501eagle

I used Kozo paper with inclusion fibers and it withstood the relentless torture pretty well. The front edge of the wings has 40+ layers and bending/shaping was hard on the hands. The body was way too thick to complete all the shaping and intricate crimping needed to bring out distinction between the body and beck.501eagleDev

The feet are teased out of a pair of much tortured vertices, I managed to separate the toes at this scale but little else, they are clumsy and frayed from the previous paper torture.

I learned a lot folding this model. I would use a MUCH bigger sheet next time, with the ability to make details and shaping I think that would be easier. It does not hold itself together very well, the body layers want to spread and wings droop.501eagleViews

I made a wire stand that pinches the body together, raising the wings a little. I did stiffen and pose some of the layers using some MC but I love the wings – they are clearly the star of this fold.

I am keen to have another go, the paper really enhances this model, making it a keeper.

2 thoughts on “501: Eagle 3.5

  1. Agree. The wings are breath-taking – they look so majestic and slim (given the amount of paper that must be hidden away). Glad you decided to keep it!

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