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A Picnic at Hanging Rock

As we were in a part of Victoria adjacent to the Macedon Ranges, it seemed inevitable that a trip to Hanging Rock as something we should do. We watched the old movie “Picnic at Hanging Rock” the evening before as a form of preparation (although I think the movie has not aged well, such shallow … Continue reading »

Categories: Melbourne, Regional Victoria, travel | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Touring Melbourne and its Environs

Determined to get a feel for the place, we went out of our way to explore more than just the city area. Although we walked (or at the end of the day trudged) nearly everywhere, this blog looks at things further away – where we needed transport (public or hire) to get there. We knew … Continue reading »

Categories: Melbourne, travel | Leave a comment

Melbourne Here We Come!

We have travelled to Sydney a few times, and love the city and harbour but neither of us can remember visiting Melbourne. Our parents say we visited as kids but neither of us have any useful memories of that visit, and something tells me it _may_ have changed a little since then. We decided on … Continue reading »

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